Report Ethical Concerns or Violation
Our Commitment
Tamer Group business practices have been governed by integrity, honesty, fair dealing and full compliance with all applicable laws. Tamer’s Group Code of Business Conduct defines the ethical principles that everyone needs to know, understand, and apply consistently.
Acting with integrity and respecting ethical principles governing our activities is essential to preserve the trust of the people we serve and to maintain our reputation and image.
If you have a concern or if you believe in good faith that a law, a rule or one of the principles in the Group Code of Business Conduct has been or is about to be violated, you can report the matter to the secured Ethics Portal.
There will be no retaliation or discrimination against the Employees who raise concerns provided that they act in good faith and with no malicious intent, even if the facts reported proved to be inaccurate or no further action is taken.

To Raise a Concern
You may use either of the following two methods to raise a concern:
Raise concern on the Tamer Ethics Portal.
Dial toll-free:
- Saudi Arabia:
STC only: 800-814-0282
Other networks: 800-850-0510
- UAE: 8000-3570-3169
After raising your concern, you will be assigned a unique access number and required to create a password. Write down your access number and password and keep them in a safe place. After 3-5 business days, use your access number and password to check your report for feedback or questions (Check status here).
Ethics Portal is NOT an Emergency Service or First Responders
Do not use this page or the Ethics Portal to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.
Report a Different Concern
If you have a concern that is not related to ethical behavior or non compliance with Group Code of Business Conduct, please contact your Line Manager or Local HR Representative for further guidance and assistance.
Stay in Touch
Head Office, Jeddah
Farouk Maamoun Tamer Industries (Holding)
P.O.Box. 180 – Jeddah – 21411 Saudi Arabia
Other Offices
Tamer Holding
P.O. Box 180
Jeddah 21411
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tamer Logistics
P.O. Box 30582
Jeddah 22529 – 8622
Aldahiay Dist. Alkomrah
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tamer Consumer
P.O. Box 50066
Jeddah 21523
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tamer Healthcare
8659 – Al Nakhil District
Jeddah 23242 – 3625
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Customer Care Center
800 244 0 122
To report any side effect or adverse event of our products, please contact +966552928311 or
Tamer Healthcare
Farouk Maamoun Tamer ( Batha branch)
P.O.Box. 388 – Riyadh – 11411
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Customer Care Center
800 244 0 122
Tamer Healthcare
Farouk Maamoun Tamer (Abha Branch)
P.O.Box. 1141 – ABHA – 61431 Saudi Arabia
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Customer Care Center
800 244 0 122
8659 – Al Nakhil District
Jeddah 23242 – 3625
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
SAJA Pharmaceutical
Office 101,
Aster Tahlia Center
Alkhalidiyah District
P.O Box. 42600 - Jeddah - 21551
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia